America’s Boating Club Sanibel-Captiva, formerly known as the Sanibel Captiva Sail & Power Squadron, donated approximately 40 items to the Sanibel Captiva Lions Club Recycle for Sight program – boosting the January collection of unused prescription and non-prescription eyeglasses and sunglasses.
“Each of our monthly meetings highlight a different local non-profit agency and January was dedicated to sight,” said Commander Pat Schmidt. “We tried to stuff the Recycle for Sight box as full as we could.”
America’s Boating Club Sanibel-Captiva has been devoted to safe boating since it was founded 43 years ago. The 300-member club performs vessel safety checks and assists emergency responders on the water; however, it’s primary focus is education on the water and in the classroom. Courses are designed for novice boaters to world-travelers. There are also half-day paddleboard and kayak seminars available.
“It’s a pleasure to support the Lions in an important program like Recycle for Sight,” said Schmidt.
Recycle for Sight boxes collected a total of 177 glasses and 68 cases throughout January. Lions delivered 1,130 eyeglasses, sunglasses and cases to the Bonita Springs Lions Club, where they are further categorized and sent on to a Lions Recycling Center to be cleaned and categorized by prescription and prepared for distribution in the United States and throughout the world.
“We greatly appreciate the efforts of America’s Boating Club Sanibel-Captiva,” said Lion Rick Wagner, who organizes Recycle for Sight. “It is because of community efforts like theirs that we are able to provide glasses for those in need.”
Lion Steve Schulz has joined the collection team helping service the collection boxes. To donate used glasses, including reading glasses, place them in the specially marked Lions Recycle for Sight collection boxes located at the following businesses:
Sanibel – Ace Hardware, Bank of the Islands, Bailey’s General Store, Island Pharmacy, Joey’s Custard, Sanibel Captiva Community Bank on Library Way and Periwinkle, Sanibel Community Church, Sanibel Library, Sanibel Eyecare, Santiva General Store, Senior Center – Center for Life.
Captiva – Captiva Library and Bank of the Islands
The Sanibel Captiva Lions meet on the first and third Wednesday of each month at 6 p.m. at Sanibel Community House. Visiting Lions are welcome. For more information or to get involved with the Sanibel Captiva Lions, contact Lion Rick Siders at [email protected] or visit
America’s Boating Club Sanibel-Captiva meets the third Tuesday of each month and everyone is welcome aboard. To learn more, visit or call 239-985-9472.