The Sanibel Captiva Lions Club experienced a very good collection of eyeglasses in July, as part of its ongoing Recycle for Sight program. July is the start of the Lions’ year, which ended strong with a combined total of 3,896 eyeglasses, sunglasses, contacts and cases. Last month brought in 290 items.
“The largest contribution in July was collected by Lion Richard Deming, and we thank him for his service,” stated Lion Rick Wagner.
SanCap Lions delivered a total of 1,900 items to the Bonita Springs Lions, where they are further categorized and sent on to a Lions Recycling Center to be prepared for distribution in the United States and throughout the world where they are needed most.
To donate used glasses, including reading glasses, place them in the specially marked Lions Recycle for Sight collection boxes located at the following businesses:
Sanibel – Ace Hardware, Bank of the Islands, Bailey’s General Store, Island Pharmacy, Joey’s Custard, Sanibel Captiva Community Bank on Library Way and Periwinkle, Sanibel Community Church, Sanibel Library, Sanibel Eyecare, Senior Center – Center for Life.
Captiva – Bank of the Islands
The SanCap Lions meet on the first and third Wednesday at 6 p.m. for social hour at the Sanibel Community House. The meetings are open to the public and feature a guest speaker. A dinner, catered by Sanibel Catering Company by Bailey’s, is served at 7 p.m. and cost $15 for non-Lions. Those who wish to have dinner should contact Lion Steve at 239-233-6261 or Lion Jeff at 302-521-1158.